Teacher Workshop: Indigenous Knowledge

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Join PAAC and the East-West Center Arts Program for an interactive workshop for K-12 teachers. Participants will learn about various aspects of Indigenous knowledge and practices, experience hands-on workshops, discover strategies to incorporate this topic in the classroom, and gain access to resources in the community. 

Friday, November 8, 5:00- 8:00pm 
& Saturday, November 9, 8:30am- 5:00pm 
East-West Center Gallery, John A. Burns Hall 

About First Nations Art of British Columbia: First Nations art of British Columbia is among the most vivid and distinctive artwork in North America. It flourishes as an integral part of Indigenous cultures who live today, as they have for thousands of years, surrounded by old growth forests, mountains, oceans, islands, and an abundance of animal and sea life. These cultures create exquisitely carved objects, intricately woven materials, and beautifully painted surfaces. Totem poles, masks, rattles, bentwood boxes, bowls, and canoes are carved from cedar and other trees; baskets, blankets, and clothing are woven from bark, roots, and animal hair; drums are created from elk and deer hide; and paintings, drawings, prints, and intricate designs are crafted using pigments and dyes. Rich in tradition, and continually innovating in response to cultural circumstances, these dynamic art forms are recognized worldwide for their distinctive character and artistic excellence.

Download the flyer for more information on the presenters. 

Registration Information

Registration Deadline: October 21, 2019

There is currently a waitlist for this workshop.  Questions: Email asc@paachawaii.org